New Faculty Research Support Program
About New Faculty Research Support Program
Program Definition:
A program to support and fund research by Saudi faculty members who have recently obtained a MSc., Ph.D. and who have been appointed to the rank of lecturer and assistant professor at Buraydah Private Colleges for no longer than two years.
- Encourage new faculty members to achieve their research goals and ideas.
- Encourage research proposals initiated by new researchers based on their research interests.
- Ensure the continuity of research work for newly appointed faculty members.
- Provide a supportive and attractive research environment for faculty members.
- Develop the competitive research capabilities of new faculty members through grants that are responsive to scientific developments.
- Encourage new faculty members to get academic promotion early
Twelve months from the date of issue of the contract.
Terms and Conditions:
- The faculty member should not have obtained a master's or doctorate degree and been appointed as a lecturer or assistant professor at Buraydah Private Colleges for no more than two years.
- The research proposal or part of it should not have been supported by any party outside or inside the university.
- The research proposal or part of it should not be derived from the research project of the master’s or doctoral thesis.
- The number of the research team members should be justified and preferably not more than three, including the principal investigator.
- The research team should acknowledge the Deanship’s support in all research produced by the project as follows:
“” This project was supported by the Scientific Research Center at Buraydah Private Colleges under the research project#.......................”
Application procedure:
The research proposal is submitted according to the scientific research center system via the following link:
BPC Research Center Portal
BPC Research Center Portal