Research Leadership Reward
About Research Leadership Reward
The center of Scientific Research recognizes the significance of publications in world renowned journals which are linked to either Web of Science or Scopus databases to attain best ranking of the colleges in the field of research. The center of scientific research also observes the difficulties faced by some researchers from the burden of correspondence with editors and the cost of publishing. Scientific Leadership Program is designed just for one year to help and motivate researchers for their publication.
Object of the program:
This program aims to encourage researchers and help them overcome some of the technical challenges of publishing in journals. By providing part of the financial support to be used in the technical matters of assistance in publishing such as language editing, proofreading, or publishing fees.
Conditions to Receive the Support:
1) The corresponding author should be from Buraydah Private Colleges.
2) the first author should be from Buraydah Private Colleges.
3) The published article should include “thanks” to the Buraydah Private Colleges.
4) The researcher should apply for the support once the research is published and appeared in the Journal’s website.
5) In case of more than one researcher from the colleges have the same paper just one of the authors can apply for the award.
Financial Support:
An amount of ………………………………. SAR will be paid to cover all costs of publishing, proofreading, and editing etc.