Scientific Research Documentation System
About Scientific Research Documentation System
First: Introduction
General description of the service
Statistical services for the scientific and academic production of scientific publishing in the colleges so that will contribute inventory and raising the level of scientific and academic production in the colleges, The manuscripts will be approved by the head of the scientific research unit at the college and then the director of the scientific research center and the faculty member will be notified for each step about his application status and the result of approval.

The objective of the service
Contribute to inventorying and raising the level of scientific and academic production in colleges.
Second: the users
Users of these services are divided into 3 categories, as follows:
- A faculty member: He has the authority to apply for one of the services and follow up on the status of the case.
- Head of the Scientific Research Unit at the College: He has the authority to review the requests submitted by the member and take the appropriate action for the requests.
- Director of the Scientific Research Center: He has the authority to approve or reject after the approval of the head of the scientific research unit at the college.
Third: Help
- System administrator: When there is a need to request authorization, the Scientific Research Center is contacted.
- Information Technology Center: In the event of problems with the provided service, a request can be submitted for technical support.
Fourth: Symbols and Terms
Symbol or Term |
Meaning |
Application status (new - approved - rejected) |
New: The request was created, and no action was taken on it Approved: The application was approved by the director of the Scientific Research Center Rejected: The submitted application has been rejected and the reason for the rejection must be written. |
Fifth: Service details
- Scientific Publication Documentation
1.1. Service description
One of the documentation and follow-up services for scientific production aims to record all published research obtained by a faculty member during his work in Buraydah Colleges, so that will contribute to the inventory and the raising of the level of scientific and academic production in the colleges, this service is integrated with obtaining research support service.
1.2. Objective of the service
Recording all published research obtained by the faculty member while working at the colleges.
1.3. Conditions for obtaining the service
The faculty member must be a member of the college.
1.4. Service Execution Procedures
- Entering the service through the Scientific Research Center using the account of the center and then choosing the service of scientific documentation.
- Choose a scientific paper and then create a scientific paper.
- Fill in the basic required information.
- Fill in the required support information.
- Add the co-authors to this scientific paper.
- Submit and send the application to the Scientific Research Unit at the College and then to the Scientific Research Center Directory.
- The faculty member can view his scientific publication list and the status of each application. Emails will also be sent when the application is approved or rejected.
Service link and other instructions
The system can be accessed at the following link