Specialized Scientific Research Support Program

About Specialized Scientific Research Support Program

Introducing the program:
A program to fund research projects in the fields of human, administrative, scientific, engineering and health conducted by the college’s faculty.
  1. Provide research support to all college’s employees male and female.
  2. Ensure the continuity and coherence of specialized scientific research of researchers.
  3. Consolidate faculty and colleges scientific production.
  4. Reinforce scientific research infrastructure.
  5. Keep pace with the contemporary intellectual developments.
Twelve months from the date of signing the contract
Terms and Conditions:
  1. The research proposal or part of it should not have been supported by any party outside or inside the colleges.
  2. The research proposal or part thereof should not be derived from the research project of the master’s or doctoral thesis.
  3. The number of the research team members should be justified and should preferably not exceed five, including the principal researcher.
  4. The research proposal shall be approved according to arbitration criteria approved by the Scientific Research Center Council
  5. Publication of at least two scientific papers in one of the refereed scientific journals indexed in Web of Science Database, including Arabic-language journals.
  6. Payments due to the principal researcher in the project shall be disbursed in two installments for scientific specialties and one installment for humanity specialties after publication.
  7. The research team should acknowledge the Scientific Research Center’s support in all research produced by the project as follows:
Research in Arabic: 
""تم دعم هذا المشروع بواسطة مركز البحث العلمي بكليات بريدة الأهلية من خلال المشروع البحثي رقم .................."
Research in English: 
” This project was supported by the Scientific Research Center at Buraydah Private Colleges under the research project#.......................”
Application procedure:
The research proposal is submitted according to the scientific research system via the following link:
BPC Research Center Portal


The implementation of the center’s research plans is supervised by a council called the “Scientific Research Center Council,” which is the legislative body for studying the regulations, rules, and procedures regulating the scientific research movement.